(Have we failed to do this?)
In Habakkuk 2:2 AMP, The Lord instructs Habakkuk, as follows:
"Write the vision & engrave it, so plainly, upon tablets, that
everyone who passes by (and sees it) will be able to read it; &,
(to understand it) even though that person may not have much
time available to do so. (NOTE: I have provided a bit of greater
clarity to the original wording of this text; so, it will not read
EXACTLY as it does in the Amplified version).
If we have FAILED to make CLEAR the Vision, Mission &
Goals of this ministry endeavor, through our presentation
of them, on our web-site, PLEASE send us an e-mail at
TRUEVINEMIN@live.com We appreciate your candor!
T.V.W.M. Staff